To Illustrate: to clarify, explain or describe, through the use of pictures, diagrams or words, a concept or problem.

The concept is food: an amateur's illustration.

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Festive Bubble and Squeak

Serves 3-4

For this recipe it really doesn’t matter how much of one thing you have. The joy of the dish is you just use up everything you have left. If you have a large number of people in mind then quantities may be slightly more important but because I am only making this for three people, when the ingredients are out in front of me, looking at it now I know that it is defiantly enough.

100 grams of stuffing
200 grams left over turkey
200g alternative meat either cooked chipolatas or sausage (I am using some German sausage)
200 grams Roast potatoes
300 grams of roast vegetables (Brussels sprouts, carrots, parsnips)
Olive oil
Eggs (optional)

Put the potatoes and mixed vegetables and stuffing into a bowl and mash them up using a potato masher leaving a few chunky bits for texture. 

Using a large spoon or spatula, stir in the turkey, and additional meat and season really well.

Heat a large non-stick pan on a high heat and add a generous amount of olive oil or goose fat if you have it. Fry the entire mixture on a high heat and keep turning bits of it over so it goes crispy.

Pat the mixture down and shape it neatly in the pan. Leave it to crisp, then turn the mixture over – crisping the other side.

Slide onto a board and cut into wedges. Serve with a fried egg and a rocket salad.

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