I am going to embark on a project on my blog and it is going to be, to make the things that I always buy from a supermarket from scratch, like mayonnaise, beans, ketchup, hummus, bread, pesto, that kind of thing, peanut butter, jam, everything that I buy in jars and tins. This is of course the aim of every cook, but as we all now, sometimes due to convenience and lack of time, it is not always possible to do this. It is much easy to buy a jar of Branston pickle rather than, buying the pickles, dicing them, pickling them and preserving them in vinegar. However, I am becoming, like a lot of people, more and more aware about what goes into the food that I buy and therefore eat. Whenever you give yourself time to make things at home, it ALWAYS tastes so much better, so why should we continue to jeopardise taste and nutrition for convenience?
I am going to see if I can find, and create recipes, that are easy, cheap, nutritional, and fresh without a 2015 sell by date and compare them to the big brands, and shop brought products that I constantly buy. From now on, I bid farewell to the tin, the packet and the pre-made sauce and say hello to the Tuppawear box, the foil and the self filled jar.
So, I shall begin.
And I begin, with the all time favourite, THE BAKED BEAN.
Ooh good luck - lots of cafes here in Oz serve home made (or cafe made) baked beans! Looking forward to the results. x
( singular) x